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The Castanha-do-Pará (Brazilian nut) is an excellent choice for snacks between meals!


Besides being delicious, this seed also haves a number of health benefits, among the main ones are the presence of good fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals.


Also known as the Castanha-do-Brasil (Brazilian Nut), it is the seed of the chestnut tree of Pará - typical of the northern region and one of the main export products of the Amazon.



The products come in vacuumed aluminum packages of 20 Kg and are valid for 1 year.


BRAZILIAN NUTS (Castanhas do Pará)


Syntony Trade international© all rights reserved

Rua Machado de Assis No. 286 Qd-10 Lt-45, Parque Anhanguera

Goiânia, GO - BRASIL - CEP 74335-100

Tel.: 55(62) 3287-4260 / 55(62) 9968-6887

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